Beschrijving Antwoord (GET company/ubo/companyCompositions/controls-v1)
De beschrijving van het antwoord hieronder bevat alle mogelijke velden. Het antwoord dat u als gebruiker zal ontvangen bevat mogelijks niet al deze velden. U zal steeds enkel de velden ontvangen waarvoor u een machtiging heeft.
Antwoord in detail
Het antwoord bevat een lijst controls met elk hun eigenschappen. Hieronder wordt de inhoud van 1 control element omschreven
Element | Opmerkingen |
beneficiaryName | Naam van de entiteit |
beneficiaryLastName | Achternaam van de begunstigde, indien een persoon |
beneficiaryFirstName | Voornaam van de begunstigde, indien een persoon |
beneficiarySitranNames | Array met de Sirtan namen van de begunstigde per taal |
beneficiaryIdentifier | Identificator van de begunstigde |
controlId | Technical id |
beneficiaryType | Begunstigde type
controlType | Control type Mogelijke waarden:
percentInVote | Percentage van de stemrechten gehouden door de begunstigde |
percent | Percentage van aandelen gehouden door de beginstigde |
groupName | Group's name to which the control belongs |
groupId | Group's identifier to which the control belongs |
derogated | Define the control derogation status Mogelijk waarden:
validated | Aanduiding of de control gevalideerd is. Mogelijke waarden:
belgian | Aanduiding of de control van Belgische origine is Mogelijke waarden:
"beneficiaryName": "baba bibi",
"benficiaryLastName" : "bibi",
"neneficiaryFistName": "baba",
"beneficiarySitranNames": {
"additionalProp1": "baba",
"additionalProp2": "bibi"
"beneficiaryIdentifier": "01234567980",
"controlId": 1736735,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "CEO",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Schol Jefke",
"controlId": 1094302,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "PERCENT",
"percentInVote": 1.0000,
"percent": 1.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "test45 test étranger",
"controlId": 1625236,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "CEO",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Mvjspzc Vvzen",
"controlId": 1653654,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "PERCENT",
"percentInVote": 9.8550,
"percent": 10.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Testtt Testtt",
"controlId": 1588579,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "OTHER",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Jean-Jacques Kengo-wa-Dondo Walala",
"controlId": 1095552,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "PERCENT",
"percentInVote": 2.0000,
"percent": 2.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Q.A.V.C. Aqjcxuhlnfo fft Nyezlcj x'ébèvww kj t'Yyiénéw vnoae Wtjfka Zmnpch",
"controlId": 1801381,
"beneficiaryType": "COMPANY",
"controlType": "OTHER",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Gdirize Ubauiibajr",
"controlId": 1094276,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "CEO",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Cqskkxdkj Nuhnfg",
"controlId": 1625208,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "CEO",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Eplipo Xwhkmnjgzt",
"controlId": 1094271,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "OTHER",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "***** *****",
"controlId": 1673556,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": null,
"percentInVote": null,
"percent": null,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "Skdg Ncagxafjntwx",
"controlId": 1731680,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "CEO",
"percentInVote": 0.0000,
"percent": 0.0000,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
"beneficiaryName": "test45 test étranger",
"controlId": 1625227,
"beneficiaryType": "PERSON",
"controlType": "PERCENT",
"percentInVote": 0.5000,
"percent": 0.0200,
"groupName": null,
"groupId": null,
"derogated": false,
"validated": true,
"belgian": true
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