Testgegevens GET mobility/registrationsTitular - v1


Testgegevens GET mobility/registrationsTitular - v1


Platen in de range ‘1PTC1%’ en ‘1PTC7%’ kunnen gebruikt worden.

Gegevens van de bestuurder - nieuw in versie 1.1 - kunnen in T&I opgevraagd worden met volgende nummerplaten

Met bestuurder maar zonder adres

  • 1SAA228

  • 1PRS457

  • 1TUN637

  • 1TWG418

  • 1HJB364

  • 1NKS031

  • 1PTC794

  • 1PTC794

Met bestuurder en adres

  • 1TEB073

  • 1PTC794


Op de T&I omgeving heeft DIV een oude kopie van de productie database (situatie tot 2018)

Voor specifieke testdata kan deze aangevraagd worden via de  MAGDA Service Desk, door deze bron te contacteren (DIV)


{ "@context": "https://vlaamseoverheid.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/1693680273/Mobility-context.jsonld", "self": "/registrationsTitular?plateNr=1XXX000&dateTime=2017-05-01T00:00:00Z", "items": [ { "driver": { "person": { "nationalNr": "string", "lastName": [ "string" ], "firstName": [ "string" ] }, "source": "string", "address": { "box": "string", "lastUpdateSource": "string", "lastUpdateDateTime": "2022-01-27T12:35:34.095Z", "country": { "code": "string", "description": "string" }, "cityName": "string", "cityNisCode": "string", "postalCode": "string", "houseNumber": "string", "streetName": "string" } }, "titular": { "@id": "_:100", "@type": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/Agent", "type": "P", "source": "RRN", "person": { "@id": "_:100", "@type": "http://www.w3.org/ns/person#Person", "nationalNr": { "identificator": "01234567890" }, "lastName": [ "Silva Urbanczyk" ], "firstName": [ "Michaël", "David" ] }, "contactInfo": { "@type": "https://schema.org/ContactPoint", "address": { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/ns/Locn#Address", "lastUpdateSource": "RRN", "lastUpdateDateTime": "2017-03-06T10:20:27.123Z", "streetName": { "string": "Rue de Hollogne" }, "houseNumber": "185", "postalCode": "4101", "cityNisCode": "62096", "cityName": { "string": "Seraing" }, "currentAddress": { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/ns/Locn#Address", "lastUpdateSource": "RRN", "lastUpdateDateTime": "2017-03-06T10:20:27.123Z", "streetName": { "string": "Rue de Hollogne", "lang": "nl" }, "houseNumber": "185", "postalCode": "4101", "cityNisCode": "62096", "cityName": { "string": "Seraing", "lang": "nl" } } } }, "license": { "plateNr": "1XXX000", "plateType": { "code": "NM", "description": "Normaal" }, "languageCode": "NL", "startSituationDate": "2017-03-06T00:00:00Z", "lastRegistrationDate": "2017-03-06T00:00:00Z", "reRegistrationFlag": "N", "commercialMaxMass": 0, "commercialMaxCapacity": 0, "status": { "code": "REG", "description": "Ingeschreven" }, "statusLegal": { "code": "NOR", "description": "Normaal" } }, "vehicle": { "vin": "XX0X0XXXXXX000000", "unifier": "01", "category": { "code": "M1", "description": "Voertuigen bestemd voor personenvervoer-ten hoogste 8 zitplaatsen-bestuurder niet meegerekend" }, "makeName": "DS", "commercialName": "DS 7 CROSSBACK", "firstRegistrationDate": "2022-06-10", "firstKnownUseDate": "2022-06-10", "type": "J", "wvta": "e2*2007/46*0601*20", "variant": "4", "version": "DGZU-C11000", "dateCOC": "2022-04-27", "status": { "code": "NOR", "description": "normaal" }, "statusLegal": { "code": "NOR", "description": "Normaal" }, "statusAdministrative": { "code": "NOR", "description": "normaal" }, "customsStickerCode": "3", "codeForBodyWork": [ { "code": "AC", "description": "STATIONWAGEN" } ], "kind": { "code": "AC", "description": "STATIONWAGEN" }, "colour": [ { "code": "10", "description": "Zwart" } ], "technicPermissibleMaxMass": 2350, "massOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder": 1835, "referenceMass": 1860, "actualMassOfTheVehicle": 1854, "numberOfAxles": 2, "wheelBase": 2738, "maximumSpeed": 225, "limiterIndicator": false, "assistanceWithoutPedallingIndicator": false, "sizeHeight": 1631, "sizeLength": 4595, "sizeWidth": 1895, "nrOfSeatingPositions": 5, "suspension": { "code": "1", "description": "Niet pneumatische ophanging" }, "exhaustDirectiveRefCode": "715/2007*2018/1832AP", "engine": [ { "engineCapacity": 1598.0, "electricEngineIndicator": true, "fuel": [ { "code": "10", "description": "Benzine", "maximumNetPower": 133.0, "euroNormCode": "6if", "combinedCO2": 35, "weightedCombinedCO2": 35, "WLTPWeightedCombinedCO2": 31 } ] } ] } } ] }


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