Testgegevens & Voorbeelden mobility/registrationsHistory - v1


Testgegevens & Voorbeelden mobility/registrationsHistory - v1


Bv. https://iv.api.tni-vlaanderen.be/api/v1/mobility/registrationsHistory?plateNr=1AHM955&dateTimeFrom=2010-01-14T00:00:00Z&dateTimeTo=2018-01-04T00:00:00Z&pageSize=3&after=1AHM955_2011-07-05T07:24:19.854125Z


Op de T&I omgeving heeft DIV een oude kopie van de productie database

Voor specifieke testdata kan deze aangevraagd worden via de  MAGDA Service Desk, door deze bron te contacteren (DIV)


{ "self": "/registrationsHistory?dateTimeFrom=2022-06-01T00%3A00%3A00Z&dateTimeTo=2023-05-25T00%3A00%3A00Z&plateNr=2XXX000", "items": [ { "license": { "plateNr": "2XXX000", "startSituationDate": "2022-06-10T00:00:00Z", "lastRegistrationDate": "2022-06-10T00:00:00Z", "status": { "code": "REG", "description": "Ingeschreven" } }, "titular": { "@type": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/Agent", "type": "M", "source": "KBO", "organisation": { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/ns/org#Organization", "companyNr": { "identificator": "012345679" }, "isLeaseCompany": "N", "legalFormCode": { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept", "prefLabel": { "string": "014" } }, "legalFormAbbrev": { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept", "prefLabel": { "string": "NV" } } }, "contactInfo": { "@type": "https://schema.org/ContactPoint" } }, "vehicle": { "vin": "XX0X0XXXXXX000000", "unifier": "01", "category": { "code": "M1", "description": "Voertuigen bestemd voor personenvervoer-ten hoogste 8 zitplaatsen-bestuurder niet meegerekend" }, "makeName": "DS", "commercialName": "DS 7 CROSSBACK", "firstRegistrationDate": "2022-06-10", "firstKnownUseDate": "2022-06-10", "type": "J", "wvta": "e2*2007/46*0601*20", "variant": "4", "version": "DGZU-C11000", "dateCOC": "2022-04-27", "status": { "code": "NOR", "description": "normaal" }, "statusLegal": { "code": "NOR", "description": "Normaal" }, "statusAdministrative": { "code": "NOR", "description": "normaal" }, "customsStickerCode": "3", "codeForBodyWork": [ { "code": "AC", "description": "STATIONWAGEN" } ], "kind": { "code": "AC", "description": "STATIONWAGEN" }, "colour": [ { "code": "10", "description": "Zwart" } ], "technicPermissibleMaxMass": 2350, "massOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder": 1835, "referenceMass": 1860, "actualMassOfTheVehicle": 1854, "numberOfAxles": 2, "wheelBase": 2738, "maximumSpeed": 225, "limiterIndicator": false, "assistanceWithoutPedallingIndicator": false, "sizeHeight": 1631, "sizeLength": 4595, "sizeWidth": 1895, "nrOfSeatingPositions": 5, "suspension": { "code": "1", "description": "Niet pneumatische ophanging" }, "exhaustDirectiveRefCode": "715/2007*2018/1832AP", "engine": [ { "engineCapacity": 1598.0, "electricEngineIndicator": true, "fuel": [ { "code": "10", "description": "Benzine", "maximumNetPower": 133.0, "euroNormCode": "6if", "combinedCO2": 35, "weightedCombinedCO2": 35, "WLTPWeightedCombinedCO2": 31 } ] } ] } } ], "total": 1 }

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