POST notifications of POST receivers/*/notifications
The consumer of these APIs is the sender of the push notification.
POST notifications
allows to send 1 message to a bunch of receivers
End to end encryption is by consequence not possible on that end point
POST receivers/*/notifications
allows to send an end-to-end encrypted message to 1 receiver.
The payload is encrypted by means of the public key of the concerned reciever (can be obtained by the GET receivers call)
Before the payload is actually pushed to the receiver device (by Firebase), a check is performed to validate if the receiver’s phone number was recently (re)confirmed for the concerned device.
If not ok, a reconfirmation of the phone number is triggered (SMS/nonce validation)
In both end points, the sender may decide to use HTML within the privateBody.
Special tags that can be included in the messages
You can find more information on <a href=\"\"></a>
Bold text
You can find <b>more</b> information on <a href=\"\"></a>
Here is a QR-code example: <custom-qr>qrcode</custom-qr>
Here is a barcode example: <custom-barcode type=\"code128\">qrcode</custom-barcode>
Theses are the supported Barcode types
Qr code
Barcode qr
<custom-barcode type=\"qr\">your-content-here</custom-barcode>
Barcode code128
<custom-barcode type=\"code128\">your-content-here</custom-barcode>
Barcode code39
<custom-barcode type=\"code39\">WIKIPEDIA</custom-barcode>
Barcode code93
<custom-barcode type=\"code93\">ABC-1234-/+</custom-barcode>
Barcode gs1-128
<custom-barcode type=\"gs1-128\">your-content-here</custom-barcode>
Barcode itf
<custom-barcode type=\"itf\">00000000000123</custom-barcode>
Barcode itf14
<custom-barcode type=\"itf14\">00000000000123</custom-barcode>
Barcode itf16
<custom-barcode type=\"itf16\">0000000000000000</custom-barcode>
Barcode ean13
<custom-barcode type=\"ean13\">9780141026626</custom-barcode>
Barcode ean8
<custom-barcode type=\"ean8\">96385074</custom-barcode>
Barcode ean5
<custom-barcode type=\"ean5\">12345</custom-barcode>
Barcode ean2
<custom-barcode type=\"ean2\">12</custom-barcode>
Barcode isbn
<custom-barcode type=\"isbn\">9783161484100</custom-barcode>
Barcode upcA
<custom-barcode type=\"upcA\">036000291452</custom-barcode>
Barcode upcE
<custom-barcode type=\"upcE\">123456</custom-barcode>
Barcode telepen
<custom-barcode type=\"telepen\">00932587036343345</custom-barcode>
Barcode codabar
<custom-barcode type=\"codabar\">13117013206375</custom-barcode>
Barcode rm4scc
<custom-barcode type=\"rm4scc\">ABC123</custom-barcode>
Barcode pdf417
<custom-barcode type=\"pdf417\">your-content-here</custom-barcode>
Barcode dataMatrix
<custom-barcode type="dataMatrix">your-content-here</custom-barcode>
Barcode aztec
<custom-barcode type=\"aztec\">your-content-here</custom-barcode>
User Actions: Copy to clipboard
Here is a an example with <custom-copy data=\"different_content_to_copy\">different_content_to_display</custom-copy> we want to allow copy
Here is a an example with <custom-copy>same_content_to_display_and_to_copy</custom-copy> we want to allow copy
User Actions: Allow to share a content
Here is a an example with <custom-share data=\"different_content_to_share\">different_content_to_display</custom-share> we want to allow share
Here is a an example with <custom-share>same_content_to_display_and_to_share</custom-share> we want to allow share
User Actions: a Link that can be copied
<custom-copy data=\"\"><a href=\"\">google</a></custom-copy>
User Actions: a Link that can be shared
<custom-share data=\"\"><a href=\"\">google</a></custom-share>
Action Buttons
Full width action
<custom-action-button action="demo">this is an action</custom-action-button>
Inline action
<p>This is a <custom-action-button action="demo 2" inline="true">custom action</custom-action-button> inside text</p>
Related content
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