Vertaaltabellen OSLO naar API
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Vertaaltabellen OSLO naar API
Inhoud van deze pagina:
Vanuit de OSLO-entiteit.eigenschap (NL) mappen/vertalen we naar de Resource Properties (ENG) van de GIPOD² API.
API-mappingtabel Grondwerken
- OSLO-entiteit: Grondwerken/Groundworks
- Description: A temporary activity that occupies a certain space, with consequences for the public domain or private domain with a public character.
OSLO-eigenschap | API Resource Property |
adresVoorstelling | addressRepresentation |
beheerder | owner |
beschrijving | description |
bijdrager | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
contactorganisatie | contactOrganisation |
geeft aanleiding tot | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
heeft gevolg | hasConsequence |
identificator | id |
is deel van | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
isGerelateerdAan | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
leidt tot | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
openbaar domein | publicDomain |
periode | period |
plaatsbepaling | locationDescription |
status | publicdomainOccupancyStatus |
type | publicDomainOccupancyType |
url | url |
vereist | requires |
vereist signalisatievergunning | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
zone | zone |
Categorie | category |
Verplaatsingswerk | relocationWork |
VoorlopigeOplevering | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
specificatie | specificationType |
geschatteDuur | estimatedDuration |
API-mappingtabel Werken
- OSLO-entiteit: Werken/Works
- Description: A public domain occupancy for the execution of works.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
adresvoorstelling | addressRepresentation |
beheerder | owner |
beschrijving | description |
bijdrager | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
contactorganisatie | contactOrganisation |
geeft aanleiding tot | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
heeft gevolg | hasConsequence |
identificator | id |
is deel van | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
isGerelateerdAan | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
openbaar domein | publicDomain |
periode | period |
plaatsbepaling | locationDescription |
status | publicdomainOccupancyStatus |
type | publicDomainOccupancyType |
url | url |
vereist | requires |
vereist signalisatievergunning | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
zone | zone |
Specificatie | specification |
GeschatteDuur | EstimatedDuration |
API-mappingtabel Evenementen
- OSLO-entiteit: Evenementen/events
- Description: A public domain occupancy where the public domain or private domain with public character is taken for a market, festival, …
OSLO-eigenschap | API Resource Property |
adresvoorstelling | addressRepresentation |
beheerder | owner |
beschrijving | description |
bijdrager | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
contactorganisatie | contactOrganisation |
geeft aanleiding tot | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
heeft gevolg | hasConsequence |
identificator | id |
is deel van | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
isGerelateerdAan | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
leidt tot | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
openbaar domein | publicDomain |
periode | period |
plaatsbepaling | locationDescription |
status | publicdomainOccupancyStatus |
tijdschema | timeSchedule |
type | publicDomainOccupancyType |
url | url |
vereist | requires |
vereist signalisatievergunning | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
zone | zone |
API-mappingtabel Mobiliteitshinder
- OSLO-entiteit: Mobiliteitshinder/mobilityHindrance
- Description: mobility hindrance on the public domain or private domain with a public character.
OSLO-eigenschap | API Resource Property |
adresvoorstelling | addressRepresentation |
beheerder | owner |
beschrijving | description |
bijdrager | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
contactorganisatie | contactOrganisation |
heeft betrekking op innamezone | isLinkedToOccupancyZone |
heeft gevolg | hasConsequence |
identificator | id |
locatie | location |
periode | period |
tijdschema | timeSchedule |
zone | zone |
API-mappingtabel Omleiding
- OSLO-entiteit: Omleiding/Detour
- Description: measure to organize the movement and displacement of the road user on the public domain or private domain with a public character.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
adresvoorstelling | addressRepresentation |
beheerder | owner |
beschrijving | description |
bijdrager | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
contactorganisatie | contactOrganisation |
doelgroep | roadUserCategory |
heeft gevolg | hasConsequence |
heeft route | hasRoute |
identificator | id |
periode | period |
plaatsbepaling | locationDescription |
tijdschema | timeSchedule |
type | type |
url | url |
zone | zone |
API-mappingtabellen Datatypes
- OSLO-entiteit: Contactinfo/ContactInfo
- Description: Information such as email, telephone, address that allows you to contact someone or something.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
adres | address |
contactnaam | contactName |
contacttype | contactType |
telefoon | telephone |
website | website |
- OSLO-entiteit: ContactinfoPubliek/ContactInfoPublic
- Description: contact details that may or may not be public.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
publiek | isPublic |
OSLO-entiteit: Periode/Period
Description: the time period between two moments in time.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
begin | start |
einde | end |
- OSLO-entiteit: PeriodeMetDuur/PeriodWithDuration
- Description: period that also contains the duration.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
duur | duration |
- OSLO-entiteit: Tijdschema/TimeSchedule
- Description: a timetable describes a pattern for an event that occurs repeatedly.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
aantal | repeatCount |
duur | duration |
einddatum | endDate |
eindtijd | endTime |
frequentie | repeatFrequency |
per dag | byDay |
per dag van de maand | byMonthDay |
per maand | byMonth |
per setpositie | bySetPos |
startdatum | startDate |
starttijd | startTime |
uitzonderingsdatum | exceptDate |
- OSLO-entiteit: AdresVoorstelling/addressRepresentation
- Description: more readable representation with only the basic data of the address, intended for the use of an address as an attribute of another object.
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
busnummer | boxNumber |
gemeentenaam | municipalityName |
huisnummer | houseNumber |
land | country |
postcode | postalcode |
straatnaam | streetName |
verwijst naar | this 'OSLO-eigenschap' is not yet included in the API |
- OSLO-entiteit: Identificator/identifier
- Description: structured identification data
OSLO Eigenschap | API Resource Property |
identificator | identifier |
toegekend door | assignedByName |
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