Context and background
Target audience
Analysts and developers of integrators who want to call a secured Informatie Vlaanderen API server and need to know how to authorize.
- Help you decide the most suitable method to connect to the new GIPOD-APIs.
- Provide a step-by-step explanation of to get authenticated on the new GIPOD-APIs with your chosen method.
Term | Definition |
AIV | Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen |
Resource Owner | The entity that can grant access to a protected resource. Typically, this is the end-user. |
Client | An application requesting access to a protected resource on behalf of the Resource Owner. |
Resource Server | The server hosting the protected resources. This is the net GIPOD-API you want to access. |
Authorization Server | The server that authenticates the Resource Owner and issues Access Tokens after getting proper authorization. In this case, Auth0. |
Access Token | A credential that can be used by an application to access an API. |
Refresh Token | A long-lived token that is used to obtain a new Access Token after a previous one has expired. |
Next step: find the most suitable way to connect.
Example 1: POST HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded grant_type=client_credentials &scope=MapRequestInitiator &client_assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Imo5c1ZrNU9INVlOQS1uMS00bDdUM013UVJJUSJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI3ODk0NTYiLCJpc3MiOiI3ODk0NTYiLCJleHAiOiIxNTE2MjQwMDIyIiwiaWF0IjoiMTU1MjkwOTYwMSIsImp0aSI6IjYzMjMzY2Q5LTIxYjgtNGZhMS04ODU4LTY2YjcxNWY3YTg2NiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vb2F1dGgudmxhYW5kZXJlbi5iZS9hdXRob3JpemF0aW9uL3dzL29hdXRoL3YyL2F1dGhvcml6YXRpb24ifQ.dPWB45Fe-ctNq5Q5bwGSVfFjbVoGMd6mrKzd3V9Xaq136vnAABYstr9v0E-rTz_VjoHJOpS23336-3ooDEl-bahfVJhpsjTW2_8X8eU9Jdyznl5VWpLKfAmHW9ycWupMf3jeCGfbLe5e1Nj1AmMuvufwawpb8-c9XuRoJoK6y232gRa-xfBQxJMcaS8L9qxYVLecPeqQjnjAs0qDOzrRzyIDLC9fBUG0UeC4sd_rEMSgBSj_N5uMbg4hyV6HB6-WuJy0R_MWFRq_fgqa3vRqDd9D0epLc-_QugfeGgdryKer57WLtbYfDXWoXEgsKmqToHyZx2G96ohuIqws3ytxxg &client_assertion_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Aclient-assertion-type%3Ajwt-bearer
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